Course: Introductory course on knowledge synthesis for knowledge users
Area of Focus: Knowledge Synthesis
Course Length: 3 months
Start Date: Jan. 8, 2024
Location: Online
Apply now to reserve a spot in the course. Applications will be accepted until January 22, 2024, or until course is full.
Introductory course on knowledge synthesis for knowledge users
The introductory course on knowledge synthesis for knowledge users is an online course offered once a year through the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto and the Knowledge Translation Program of St. Michael’s Hospital.
This course is co-taught by Dr. Sharon Straus (MD), and Dr. Andrea Tricco (PhD). The overall course objective is to teach about knowledge synthesis in general, as well as how to go about conducting a knowledge synthesis. It is recommended that students conduct a knowledge synthesis while taking this course, as the information provided will help guide the knowledge synthesis process. By the end of this course, participants will have a protocol ready for registration that has been reviewed by the course directors.
Topics include:
- How to formulate a review question
- How to develop a review protocol
- How to abstract data
- How to appraise the quality of studies
- How to perform a meta-analysis
The course will cover 17 modules in total. Each module consists of a video presentation, 5 mandatory readings, optional readings, and a mandatory quiz. In addition, there are two assignments related to developing a knowledge synthesis question and protocol. The students will have three months to complete the course and the course instructors will provide high-level methodological support for the review.
Each module takes 3.5-5 hours to complete. The assignments take approximately 10 and 20 hours, respectively, depending on whether you are using an existing project or starting a new one.
What people are saying…
"The course was really well organized. The modules were a great resources and will continue to be amazing help throughout my academic career."
"The format was very user-friendly, and ideal when faced with a busy work schedule. It was flexible and allowed for the modules to be completed at one’s own pace. The marking guides for the assignments were excellent tools and greatly appreciated."