The Knowledge Synthesis Team (KST) is committed to conducting studies that have the potential to improve health outcomes.
The KST is an academic research group led by a systematic review methodologist Dr. Andrea C. Tricco. We are located within the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael’s Hospital and affiliated with the University of Toronto. As part of a teaching hospital renowned for its social commitment, we are well-positioned to synthesize and link the best available evidence-based knowledge to health care decision-makers, including policy makers, health care providers, and patients.
Established in 2011 with just 3 members, our research team is now supported by over 35 staff. We have extensive experience conducting different types of knowledge synthesis, such as systematic reviews, network meta-analysis, rapid reviews, and scoping reviews. We have produced over 100 evidence-based synthesis and dissemination products, over 80 publications in peer-reviewed journals, and numerous presentations at national (e.g., Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health) and international (e.g., Cochrane Collaboration) venues. We have conducted systematic reviews with stakeholders at various levels, including international (e.g., World Health Organization), national (e.g., Health Canada), provincial (e.g., Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care), and local (e.g., Toronto Central Local Health Integrated Network) organizations. Take a look at our research for more information about our expertise in knowledge synthesis methodology.
Read more about who we are and our team.