Category: Health services and policy research
Absorptive capacity in the adoption of innovations in healthcare: A scoping review
Summary This study aims to explore how absorptive capacity has been conceptualized and measured in studies of innovation adoption in health care organizations. Project Resources Funded By Principal Investigators Collaborators KTP Project Staff
Scoping review of machine learning tools in hospital settings
Scoping review of ML tools in hospital settings. The goal of this study was to identify machine learning tools (ML) in hospital settings and how they were implemented to inform decision-making for patient care through a scoping review. They found limited evidence related to the implementation of ML tools to assist clinicians with patient healthcare…
Impact of HPV-related diseases among males on healthcare cost in Ontario
The objective of this study is to address the public health policy question “What will be the impact of male vaccination strategies on the long-term burden of HPV infections and associated precancer and cancer among MSM?”
Economic analysis of enhanced syphilis screening among HIV-positive men
To compare the cost and effect of the intervention in the ESSAHM trial (opt-out standing orders for syphilis serological testing with HIV viral loads) versus the control condition (the maintenance of current, provider-initiated syphilis testing practice) from the perspective of the Ministry of Health (MoH). This project will be a secondary data analysis of a…
Economic evaluation of falls prevention interventions among community-residing older adults: We know the “value”, but what about “value for money”?
Falls have a substantial impact on the quality of life, morbidity, and mortality of older adults, and are costly for our healthcare system.