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We provide:

  • Courses
  • Workshops
  • Seminars

Topics in Knowledge Translation (KT) science and practice:

  • Knowledge Synthesis (KS)
  • Implementation Science (IS)
  • Patient Engagement

Our participants:

  • Trainees
  • Researchers
  • Practitioners
  • Health administrators
  • Policy makers
  • Patients
  • Caregivers
  • Other knowledge users

Courses & Events


Partners in Research

The PiR course will focus on how patients, families, and healthcare researchers can work together to improve health research and healthcare.

KT Canada Scientific Meeting

Overview KT Canada is a network of Canadian experts in knowledge translation joining forces to tackle the greatest challenge in health care today: the fact that although there is a great deal of health research being conducted, there is a gap in applying the results at the patient’s bedside and in every day health decisions. […]

Practicing Knowledge Translation

Are you implementing a new initiative but not sure where to start? The Practicing Knowledge Translation (PKT) course is a professional development course on how to apply KT science to real-world implementation projects in order to enhance and sustain project outcomes.

KT Canada Summer Institute

Applications are open! Please visit the main page for the Summer Institute here. Overview The KT Canada Summer Institute provides junior faculty, research staff, fellows, and graduate students the opportunity to increase their understanding of KT research, develop their careers, and receive mentorship from national and international KT experts. It is an intensive 2.5 day […]

Introductory Course on Knowledge Synthesis for Knowledge Users

This course will teach students about knowledge synthesis in general, as well as how to conduct knowledge synthesis projects. Students will begin to conduct knowledge synthesis in the topic of their choice, with guidance from the course directors. Please note that the students will not be completing a full knowledge synthesis project during the duration of the course, due to course timelines.

Current & Upcoming

14 Nov 2024

MAP & Knowledge Translation Program Implementation Science Series

Ten virtual ‘flipped lectures’ followed by moderated group discussion sessions on implementation research methods for community-based programs. Lectures will explore methods relevant to a range of health domains with a focus on the optimization of equity and measurement of context in implementation research. The series runs from November 2024 – March 2025, one part series […]
13 Feb 2025

KT Canada Seminar Series

As part of KT Canada’s mandate, we have developed and hosted the first, expert-led seminar series dedicated to current and emerging topics in knowledge translation (KT). Reception to the series has been impressive, as we continue to establish links to researchers, health care professionals, policy makers and trainees.
10 Mar 2025

Foundations of Knowledge Translation

Our approach to KT is rooted in theory and science, but our application of KT is uniquely pragmatic and focused on real-world impact. Our approach to training involves presenting KT in a relevant and practical way so that individuals and organizations become empowered to support KT initiatives within their own network.


10 Mar 2025

End of Grant Knowledge Translation

Are you looking to tell the story of your research? Develop your end-of-grant (EoG) knowledge translation (KT) plan with the EoG KT online course. Whether you are preparing your proposal for grant submission or at the start, middle, or end of your research, this course will help you learn why and how to develop an effective KT plan.
13 Feb 2025

KT Canada Seminar Series – Strategies for involving patients and the public in scaling – Dr. Roberta de Carvalho Corôa

As part of KT Canada’s mandate, we have developed and hosted the first, expert-led seminar series dedicated to current and emerging topics in knowledge translation (KT). Reception to the series has been impressive, as we continue to establish links to researchers, health care professionals, policy makers and trainees.
15 Apr 2024

Practicing Knowledge Translation – Virtual

Are you implementing a new initiative but not sure where to start? The Practicing Knowledge Translation (PKT) course is a professional development course on how to apply KT science to real-world implementation projects in order to enhance and sustain project outcomes.

Strategic, Evidence-Based Healthcare Leadership: A panel discussion in recognition of International Women’s Day

Overview Download the poster here. Join us to hear from healthcare leaders on opportunities to promote women-led, evidence-based healthcare leadership. Panelists will include: Dr. Jocalyn Clark, International Editor, BMJ, Adjunct Professor, University of Toronto. Link to bio. Dr. Martha Maznevski, Professor of Organizational Behaviour, Faculty Director, MBA Program, Western University. Link to bio. Dr. Marie-Josée […]
Image of Knowledge Translation Program logo. Strategic, Evidence-Based Healthcare Leadership: A panel discussion in recognition of International Women’s Day. Join us to hear from healthcare leaders on opportunities to promote women-led, evidence-based healthcare leadership. March 10 | 12:00pm to 1:00pm ET. Panelists will include: Dr. Jocalyn Clark, International Editor, BMJ. Link to bio. Dr. Martha Maznevski, Professor of Organizational Behaviour, Faculty Director, MBA Program, Western University. Link to bio. Dr. Marie-Josée Hebert, Chair of the Governing Council, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Vice- Rector, Research, Discovery, Creation, and Innovation, Université de Montréal. Link to bio. Dr. Verna Yiu, Provost and Vice-President (Academic), Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Faculty of Medicine/Dentistry, University of Alberta. Link to bio. Moderator: Dr. Christine (Tina) Fahim, Scientist, Knowledge Translation Program, Assistant Professor, Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto, Associate Scientist, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University. Link to bio. Images of the 4 speakers and moderator. St. Michael's Hospital-Unity Health Toronto logo. Registration link and QR code.


Practicing KT Student

Practicing KT is one of the most engaging and useful courses I’ve taken. It has equipped me with the theory, knowledge and tools to do effective KT, and to share what I’ve learned with my colleagues. Already, the course has had a positive impact on my organization. I feel excited about what we’ll be able to achieve.

Practicing KT Student

While we were completing the course we were at the same time applying a number of the lessons to support the development of our projects. We have received incredible feedback about these from other departments in our organization, our stakeholders, and other experts in the field.

KT Canada Summer Institute Student

I really liked the engagement with other trainees and faculty members. It was a very collaborative experience.

KT Canada Summer Institute Student

I think the institute was structured very well. There was a good variety of lectures, workshops, and breaks. I never felt too overwhelmed or fatigued. The content was directly relevant to me and my work in patient engagement.

Introduction to Knowledge Synthesis for Knowledge Users Student

The course was really well organized. The modules were a great resource and will continue to be amazing help throughout my academic career.

Introduction to Knowledge Synthesis for Knowledge Users Student

The format was very user-friendly, and ideal when faced with a busy work schedule. It was flexible and allowed for the modules to be completed at one’s own pace. The marking guides for the assignments were excellent tools and greatly appreciated.

End of Grant KT Student

I appreciate the tools that were provided in this course that can assist with planning projects. I have a great deal of knowledge about education and knowledge translation, but it is grounded in other contexts – I found in particular the tools that were provided were really helpful in translating my knowledge into the health care context. I will change my planning and writing practices in future and use these a great deal. I also had little knowledge about journal metrics in a scientific context – so, the section on how to assess where to submit materials was really helpful, and will change how I look at where to send things.

End of Grant KT Student

It was a really great course, I’d definitely recommend it to others!

Foundations of KT Student

As a foundations course, this was an excellent course; I really appreciated the opportunities for learning through application (e.g., webinar examples of how to actually use a TMF – this was super helpful, as this tends to be a common challenge).