Category: Dissemination
End-of-Grant KT Plan
Purpose of template The End-of-Grant KT Plan is a template that can assist users in planning how they will share the knowledge generated from a project. The template guides users through several major considerations, including what groups they want to know about their results and how they can best share their results with each target…
Primary and Integrated Health Care Innovations (PIHCI) network summary report and infographic
Summary This project was commissioned by the Primary and Integrated Health Care Innovations (PIHCIN) Network, to develop an infographic and summary report that provides an overview of Network activities and impact since their launch in 2014. The PIHCI Network is a pan-Canadian network of networks that was launched through the Canadian Institutes for Health Research…
Co-creating a new model of long-term care home for older adults experiencing homelessness: Long-term caring
Summary More than 25% of people experiencing homelessness in Canada are older adults (>50 years); in Toronto alone, more than 3000 adults older than 50 years are homeless. They are at higher risk of adverse outcomes such as death compared with people who have stable housing. These numbers grew during COVID-19 because of the increased…
Tips and tricks for writing a plain language summary
Download the full document here, from the SPOR Evidence Alliance website.
We have partnered with local, regional, and national knowledge users to co-create infographics and other tools to support evidence-based decision-making. See below for a sample of some of the tools we have co-developed and get in touch with us if you have an idea for a tool of your own. Fascia Iliaca Nerve Compartment Block…
Wellness Hub
Summary The Wellness Hub Program provides tailored interventions to prevent and manage infectious disease outbreaks (IPAC+), as well as the framework and oversight for interventions that promote vaccine uptake (Vaccine+), and optimize occupational and mental health and wellness (CARE+) both during and beyond COVID-19. It includes a multi-disciplinary immunity study to estimate the population-specific prevalence…
Surrey Place – Planning services for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Summary The KT Program’s Team for Implementation, Evaluation and Sustainability provided resources, reviews and consultations on the development of an evaluation plan for the Surrey Place Transition Clinic. Funded By Principal Investigator KTP Science Lead KTP Project Staff
Collaboration with Singapore Geriatric Education and Research Institute
Summary We have an ongoing collaboration with Singapore’s Geriatric Education and Research Institute. This collaboration has included developing and delivering training on implementation for institute members and providing knowledge translation coaching and feedback for research teams. Funded By Principal Investigators Co-Investigators KTP Project Staff