Social Media for Pharmacovigilance

    Utility of social media and crowd-sourced data for pharmacovigilance

    Tricco AC, Zarin W, Lillie E, Jeblee S, Warren R, Khan PA, Robson R, Pham B, Hirst G, Straus SE. Utility of social media and crowd-intelligence data for pharmacovigilance: a scoping review. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2018 Jun 14;18(1):38. doi: 10.1186/s12911-018-0621-y.
    [sidebar] Commissioner: Health Canada

    Funder: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) through the Drug Safety and Effectiveness Network (DSEN)

    Canadian Institutes of Health Research


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    • Conducted for Health Canada to provide information on the validity and reliability of using social media data for pharmacovigilance to inform conceptualization of a potential social media listening platform for drug-safety surveillance in Canada
    • Results suggest that the use of social media data for pharmacovigilance is in its infancy
    • Social media has the potential to supplement data from regulatory agency databases; capturing less frequently reported adverse events and identifying adverse events earlier than official alerts or labeling revision time, however, the utility and validity of the data sources remain under-studied



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    Date : 18 Dec 2019