Engaging Knowledge Users in Knowledge Synthesis

    Engaging policy-makers, health system managers and policy analysts in the knowledge synthesis process: a scoping review

    Tricco AC, Zarin W, Rios P, Nincic V, Khan PA, Ghassemi M, Diaz S, Pham B, Straus SE, Langlois EV. Engaging policy-makers, heath system managers, and policy analysts in the knowledge synthesis process: a scoping review. Implement Sci. 2018 Feb 12;13(1):31. doi: 10.1186/s13012-018-0717-x.


    Commissioned and Funded by: Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, World Health Organization


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    • Commissioned by the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, World Health Organization to facilitate the engagement of policy-makers in knowledge synthesis in review teams in low income economy countries
    • Informed a chapter in the Rapid Reviews to Strengthen Health Policy and Systems: A Practical Guide commissioned by the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, World Health Organization
    • Policy-makers, healthcare professionals, government agencies and patients were the most frequently engaged knowledge user types in the knowledge synthesis process
    • Knowledge users were most commonly engaged during the data synthesis and interpretation phases of the knowledge synthesis conduct
    • Lack of time or opportunity to participate was the most common barrier to engagement and knowledge user content expertise and awareness was the most commonly reported facilitator



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    Date : 07 Jan 2020