Gender Inequity in Academic Health

    The global evidence of gender inequity in academic health research: a living scoping review protocol

    Nazia Darvesh, Patricia Rios

    [sidebar] Commissioned and Funded by:

    Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

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    • To provide continuous surveillance and synthesis of the globally available evidence of gender inequity among individuals with appointments in academic institutions that conduct health research
    • Coming soon
    Name Related Declarations Other Declarations
    Sofia Ahmed N/A Research Funding

    CIHR Planning and Dissemination Grant. Co-investigator.

    Establishing Priorities for the Development and Implementation of Strategies to Support Gender Equity in Critical Care Medicine.


    Advisory Board Member, CIHR Institute of Gender and Health

    Education Chair, Organization for the Study of Sex Differences.

    Alice Aiken N/A Affiliations/Memberships

    CIHR Governing Council 

    Sonia Anand N/A Payments/Gifts/Gratuities/Honoraria and Consulting

    BAYER speaking and consulting fees 

    Full Name Related Declarations Other Declarations
    Karen Burns N/A Research Funding

    Currently a collaborator on 2 CIHR-funded gender equity grants:

    1. Meeting grant to establish Stakeholder Research Priorities for the Development and Implementation of Strategies to Support Gender Equity in Critical Care medicine (PI – Kirsten Fiest).

    2. Systematic review to explore the existence of gender inequity in academic health care, health sciences and health policy (PI- Andrea Tricco).

    Janet Curran N/A  Affiliations/Memberships

    Co-director, Aligning Health Needs with Evidence for Transformative Change, Joanna Briggs Institute Centre at Dalhousie University.

    Kirsten Fiest N/A Research Funding

    Peer-reviewed research funding from following agencies: Alberta Health Services, University of Calgary, Canadian Fraility Network, CIHR, and MSI foundation.

    Ian Graham N/A Affiliations/Memberships

    On the Advisor Board for CIHR Institute of Gender and Health.

    Holly Falk-Krzesinski N/A Affiliations/Memberships

    Employer of Elsevier and the Mendeley solution that will be used as the reference management tool for the project is an offering within Elsevier’s portfolio of Research Intelligence solutions. Mendeley operates on a freemium model, thus there will not be any commercial payment from the project to Elsevier for the use of Mendeley. Holly’s time is being contributed in-kind to the project; Holly is receiving no renumeration from the project.

    Full Name Related Declarations Other Declarations
    Chantelle Lachance N/A Affiliations/Memberships

    Employed at the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in HealthFull

    Etienne Langlois N/A Affiliations/Memberships

    WHO Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research.

    Research Funding

    We are receiving funding on gender and equity issues in global health research.

    France Légaré N/A Affiliations/Memberships

    Member of the consultative committee of the Institute of Gender and Health’s Consultative Committee (CIHR)

    Chris McCabe N/A Financial

    The Institute of Health Economics receives funding from the organizations listed AB Assoc of Senior Centres, AB Innovates Lilly, AbbVie Canada, Alberta Blue Cross, Alberta Cancer Foundation, Alberta Health, Alberta Health Services, Alberta Innovates Health Solutions, AB Medical Association, Applied Pharmaceutical Innovation, Boehringer Ingelheim, CADTH, CNA Diagnostics Inc, CSTS HEALTH CARE INC, CSTS HEALTH CARE INC, Economic Dev and Trade, Edmonton Health City, EDT AbbVie, Eli Lilly, EMPRSS Inc., Glaxo Smith Kline, Glyconet, Health Canada, Health Quality Council, Health Technology Assessment International, Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd  20-122, INAHTA, Institute of Reconstructive Sciences, Mental Health Commission, Merck Canada, Nanostics, Nimble Science Ltd., Novartis Pharma Canada Inc, Orpyx Medical Technologies Inc., Pfizer, Sanofi, Stem Cell Network, True Angle, University of Alberta, University of Calgary, UTI Limited Partnership

    Full Name Related Declarations Other Declarations
    Holly O. Witteman N/A Research funding

    Funded by a Fonds de recherche du Québec-Santé Research Scholar Junior 2 award


    Advisory Committee on Equity Diversity and Inclusion Policy

    * 1 Conflicts of Interest form yet to be received 
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    Date : 15 Jun 2022