Heart & Stroke

    Knowledge Translation Plan for Canadian Stroke Best Practices


    • The Canadian Heart & Stroke Foundation (H&S) commissioned the SPOR Evidence Alliance and the Knowledge Translation Program at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute to assess their current KT activities and inform the development of a strategic and comprehensive KT plan that:
      • Aligns with their new strategic directions and role as a health charity
      • Considers their mission and enables change among varied audiences to enhance uptake and impact of their guidelines
      • Meets the needs of target audiences across the continuum of care
      • Is based on evidence from the field of KT science
      • Is a multi-pronged approach that engages partners and enables sharing of knowledge synthesized by Heart and Stroke
    • Conduct document review & focus group discussions to assess current inventory of KTE interventions
    • Identify barriers/facilitators to CSBP uptake; map to potential KTE interventions; determine types, intensity, timing and comprehensiveness of KTE interventions
    • Integrate input from health care providers, advisory committees and community members (including patients and/or caregivers with lived experience) to draft KT Plan
    • The KT program developed a KT Plan which highlighted:
      • KT activities Heart & Stroke is doing and should continue doing
      • New KT activities for Heart & Stroke to consider doing
      • Key recommendations specific to implementation of Stroke Best Practice guidelines


    Who is this done for?

    This project was done for the Heart & Stroke Foundation

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    Date : 08 Jan 2020