Seeking effective interventions to treat complex wounds: an overview of systematic reviews
Tricco AC, Antony J, Vafaei A, Khan PA, Harrington A, Cogo E, Wilson C, Perrier L, Hui W, Straus SE. Seeking effective interventions to treat complex wounds: an overview of systematic reviews. BMC Med. 2015 Apr 22;13:89. doi: 10.1186/s12916-015-0288-5.
[sidebar] Commissioner: Toronto Central Local Health Integrated Network (LHIN)
Funder: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
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[ssba-buttons] [/sidebar] [sidebar-content]- Commissioned by the Toronto Central Local Health Integrated Network Wound Care Steering Committee to inform wound care interventions in the Toronto region
- Promising interventions for complex wounds included: bandages or stockings (multi-layer, high compression) and wound cleansing for venous leg ulcers,4-layer bandages for mixed arterial/venous leg ulcers, biologics, ultrasound, and hydrogel dressings for diabetic leg/foot ulcers, hydrocolloid dressings, electrotherapy, air-fluidized beds, and alternate foam mattresses for pressure ulcers, and silver dressings and ultrasound for unspecified mixed complex wounds
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Date : 22 Sep 2020