Rank-heat Plot


    The rank-heat plot is a novel way to present the results from a network meta-analysis including multiple outcomes

    Veroniki AA, Straus SE, Fyraridis A, Tricco AC. The rank-heat plot is a novel way to present the results from a network meta-analysis including multiple outcomes. J Clin Epidemiol. 2016;76:193-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2016.02.016




    Bottom Line:

    • The rank-heat plot offers a novel approach to present the results of a network meta-analysis (NMA) in a way that may increase end-user interpretability; in particular, it presents the results of ranking statistics for multiple outcomes in a single figure


    • Clinicians can use the rank-heat plot to discuss which agent is optimal across the different outcomes with their patients and caregivers; and guideline developers can use it to inform their recommendations, as well as policy makers, to decide about drug coverage

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    Date : 30 Oct 2017